Monday, June 14, 2010

i just saw it yesterday..dint even know it was a movie..until wonder whr have i been..anyway..i don't understand why it got bad reviews..i mean..this guy is hot! plus the movie's awesome! cz well..a lot of blood..and dismembered body parts.. hahah..this poster's very can see't have to explain la hor..if you know that dude's name.. =]
he so hot rite..and the way he speak English is so very i know why shin yean likes

Friday, June 11, 2010

Two reasons why i can't be proud of Malaysia.

No..this is not political talk..just my normal ranting.. =]

1. They suck in team Malaysia would actually get a Brazilian coach..and were to end up being as good as Brazil.. i would totally support them to the ends of time..if..i wasn't dead when they finally figured out their problem..

2. Racism..yeah..i'm not racist..but sometimes i can be..but then..if Malaysia dint suck so badly in wont be a problem..honestly! so here's a deal..get a coach! then don't least get into the semi-finals..and eventually get the world cup to start here..i will be the biggest fan of big! that no one could downgrade the Malaysian name..but...yeah....can go check wiki..the world cup

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Music's with today's music?can i ask? to anyone who actually likes jason derulo's in my head..what the hell?! he's singing about fantasying about having sex...izit just me? or that kinda sound like a pervert singing? you all would be like..yeah so? i like the a problem with that? well as for a matter of fact..yes..i do..its disgusting..
Another example..akon..right now..he's well..singing abt sex too..and Flo rida right round..practically the same thing.. yea sure nice background music..== now..i dont mean to offend anyone who likes it..but a problem? go solve it! if not..then shut the hell up..

i can honestly bet that none of my friends know ppl like Leonard Cohen..if they do..then soul mates really do exist..if i were to do a survey..i'm sure only less than 20% of the popularity listens to you guys would go like..ohh! this sucks? what the hell is this?! yeah..if ur the type that like catchy chorus and don't bother less abt the lyrics..then its exactly the same as being deaf..honestly deaf ppl would have a better taste in music than you..
Pretty sure no one listens to Beethoven anymore..without being forced to listen to it.. yeah..honestly.. not that civil..i'm a very pessimistic person..and this..just proves that mankind..don't deserve a second chance..but what the heck..i'm a mere mortal..who cares abt what i think..everyone thinks they deserve a second chance..blablabla..can i ask why? why do you think so? what have YOU done to deserve anything? nawh...nothing much shut ur whining and just accept every shit life throws at you..just..move on!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


To all of you who think ur life is so boring right now..mine's worse. hahah..i havent seen the sunlight in...*counting* uhh..5 days? yeah..crazy pathetic..i could sit in my room all day playing medal of honour 1,2,3,and got a whole collection..i even got indiana dumb rite..before the hols..i was like..gotta finish pk project..gotta learn tennis..gotta polish up my skateboarding..hah! my skateboard is under a pile of clothes..i think? tennis hanging somewhr in my laptop is on..i'm on msn since the 1st..appearing hp went flat this morning..dint bother..
yeah..if i were to go i'd be like..'help! my eyes! someone! turn off the sun!' lol...then the humans passing by would be like..'think we should report her?' 'its so sad..seeing so many insane ppl these days' yeah..even at school..ppl think i need counselling..tsk..sorry line..sitting with me this year must have sucked..having to put up with all my crazy..
like the tittle..i'm ranting random stuff abt hw pathetic my life wanna go MPH..but then..if do..maybe i'll get dragged out by security or smth..heh..wont that be interesting? whoosh!
I'm a scoleciphobic..yeah..if you duno what it means..just look it up..i guess its a rare case? maybe not..but yeah..i'm sure hell is infested with i'll be a good girl now..but then..gardens have them too...tsk..recently..i've caught the i decided to quarantine myself..hehe..
lets hope i dont start eating ppl..if you know what i mean..=] i told my parents i wanted to go work..they laughed at hopeless..even to my parents..i miss dog gave birth to 9 erm..i got 13 dogs now? crazy rite..i think i'm allergic to my bro..hahah all the more reasons to avoid him.. =] i'm on medication now..i've been asleep half of the day dy..then gotta wake to take my meds..then go sleep basically..i'm sleeping throughout my hols? lol..look line! i'm really hibernating!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I'm on the verge of getting banned from the internet..why? its bcz my dad saw some video in youtube abt a psychopath raping a girl then killing her..yeah..i dont blame him from trying to ban me..i mean like..if i were a parent..i would too..i'd rather wrap my children in a protective blanket than let them know of this crap..but the biggest flaw is that if he does that..i would be so vulnerable to this psycho least i'm not..but whenever i hear of this thing..or when i watch a movie..and ppl got raped..i would be so shaken up..i'd have nightmares..maybe i'm just being vain..but the way i think is diff from other ppl..i level of imagination makes those scenes look so dreams..they stick in my head..playing over and over again..i may be on the verge going insane..but thats not i want to talk abt now..

What i'm asking now is..well..why rape? why cant you just go up to prostitute? scared of getting HIV..then use a condom..or whatever..but why rape? those poor innocent girls..yeah..maybe they have done horrible things in their life..but none of them deserved it..thr was once..4 old men raped a 14 year old..altho they dint kill her..but they practically destroyed her life..why? just because of lust? tsk..then we're all gone to hell..soon..very soon..and i hope..God wont forgive us...