okay..music..what's with today's music?can i ask? to anyone who actually likes jason derulo's in my head..what the hell?! he's singing about fantasying about having sex...izit just me? or that kinda sound like a pervert singing? tsk..bet you all would be like..yeah so? i like the music..got a problem with that? well as for a matter of fact..yes..i do..its disgusting..
Another example..akon..right now..he's well..singing abt sex too..and Flo rida right round..practically the same thing.. yea sure nice background music..== now..i dont mean to offend anyone who likes it..but yeah..my opinion..my blog..my post..got a problem? go solve it! if not..then shut the hell up..
i can honestly bet that none of my friends know ppl like Leonard Cohen..if they do..then soul mates really do exist..if i were to do a survey..i'm sure only less than 20% of the popularity listens to elvis..yeah..bet you guys would go like..ohh! this sucks? what the hell is this?! yeah..if ur the type that like catchy chorus and don't bother less abt the lyrics..then its exactly the same as being deaf..honestly deaf ppl would have a better taste in music than you..
Pretty sure no one listens to Beethoven anymore..without being forced to listen to it.. yeah..honestly.. civilization..is not that civil..i'm a very pessimistic person..and this..just proves that mankind..don't deserve a second chance..but what the heck..i'm a mere mortal..who cares abt what i think..everyone thinks they deserve a second chance..blablabla..can i ask why? why do you think so? what have YOU done to deserve anything? nawh...nothing much important..so shut ur whining and just accept every shit life throws at you..just..move on!