Wednesday, December 15, 2010

what i achieved. or...smth like that...

hmm..manage to improve some of my tennis skills...hah! right... insane exercise program is almost complete..few days to go..and all that hurts are my ribs.. =D..i'm seriously hoping that Line would read this after i'm healed..hahah..apparently i broke a rib..while swinging a bokuto..ahahah..i'm learning iaido! or smth like that..and since kuching has no care for japanese art of swords..i learnt it off the net..slowly..and there was a technique i wanted to learn..but i'm guessing i put too much power into it..^^ no worrries!
i've decided to buy a sax! altho you cant say its called achieving something..but i did put a'lot of thought into it..there was this dilemma about a laptop,saxophone and a HTC desire HD..that at least needs sax needs 3k to 4k..and the i chose the most expensive de! plus..i miss my feels good to play it during those warm quiet afternoons y'know.. =]
oh! and i've achieved probably the worst luck in my love life..ahahaha..not that it matters now..but still..knowing that i'm not compatible and is absolutely the worst possible partner a guy could ever have is..well..err...its not that!
i'm worried..ah..well i don't think worrying is achieving smth but... TT what if i don't make it to the science side?!?! i'll seriously die! seriously!!
oh! and i learnt that you can legally have sex when you're 16..ahaaa...i think..or did i read wrong? ahh! don't get me wrong!! i was studying the law about the minimun age to ride a bike..they changed it to 17..pfft! there goes my freedom..*flutter* lol..and i came across that while searching..ah year is gonna be interesting..maybe people would take me seriously when i tell them to play safe..hmm..i'm thinking of a certain couple right now...hehe

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

weird habit?

like any normal student..i sleep during the p.m's and go online/read/watch tv/gaming/do any other sort of daily thing during the a.m's..sooooo..i noticed i picked up an interesting habit..hahaha..i would brush my teeth while doing stuff..lets say..i'm fixing up a late night hand on the cereal..the other keeping the toothbrush from falling into the right..xP..anyway..i nearly gave my dad a heart attack late one you can wardrobe consist of dark colors imagine..waking up in the middle of the night to find a dark figure standing at one corner of the house.. wouldn't that just freak you out?.. x] oh..and you know..i never brush my teeth in the toilet..its always somewhere else in the depends on what i'm doing at that time..hahah..i never pay full attention when it comes to brushing my teeth..that seems like the only time i pay attention to something is when i'm losing to a boss in one of Dante's inferno bosses..ugh..*for those who don't play ps3 games..well..its a game! it's based on a book written long ago! and it's awesome! so to the dude who created the quote..'video games could rot your mind'..screw you!! bet you lost every single game you played..that includes pacman! hmmph..xP*

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What I have to say..

As i ran under the cold rain,
Listening to the pitter-patter of raindrops,
and little creatures scurrying into their homes,
As the green embraced mother nature,
I couldn't help but feel the sense of longing and isolation..
As the rain got heavier,
I felt a sharp pain..
an old enemy coming back to haunt me..
Sitting down on the cold pavement,
Trying to ease the pain..
I looked up into the sky,
It looked peaceful,
sleeping soundly under a grey blanket,
As if there is no worry in the world..
Could i be like that?..
back to my carefree days when my smile was genuine?
The cold wind blowing into my face,
sending chills down my spine
as if trying to stab me with it's icy cold dagger..
Sitting there feeling that sadness in my heart,
I looked up into the sky and asked..
where?!..I stood there for you all..soaking up your tears..listening to your fears..
I lent you my shoulder! my time!..and i asked nothing in return..
but when i need someone most..
where did all of you go?..