Sunday, November 30, 2008


I'm so bored le...I'll post some random pics that i took ..hahas..enjoy.. XDthe beach!!!... XD
i took this during band lunch break....i was eating at chonglin...hahas....
sports day!!!!....
this was taken outside my effect!!....haha
this was taken outside my house oso..hahas...
this was also taken outside my house...hahas.... XD
this was also taken outside my house....looks so nicee....hehe
this was taken outside my house...XD
this was taken during band ..^^
this was taken during band....everything was peaceful....XD
nice.....this was taken during merdeka the stadium...hahas.. XD

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

PRS training camp..

on the 24th we had a camp,a PRS training,bibi,dee dee,joana n ariel were the only form one's...hahaha...but we r the most crazy n most active or hyper ones...anyway...on the first day...we had this repelling activity,(4 those hu donno wad is that..this activity is like wall climbing but this is going down from an 40 foot tall wall)but it rained..i was soooooo GLAD!!.i mean..its 40 feet tall...anyway...we went back to the dormitory n take bath..n stuff lidat...i knw...whn it was past midnight...joana n dd was still on the top bunk laughing n sms-ing...i was so tired..n so annoyed...since i din bring my beloved pillow...i had 2 use my jacket...haizz...knt sleep aar!!.cause ler..the bed is to hard..the pillow is toooo hard...n thr is just tooo much mosquitos...i gt like...40 bites on me..haizz....n thr is smth new...joana is now the mosquito killer..she killed over 45 of them...hahaha...every 5mis..she would go piak!.hahaha..den the next day..i woke up at 5.30 a.m n 6 smth we had morning exercise...after that..we hav 2 run 4 2laps NIA..whn haven fin one lap..everyone so tired liao...i was like...waaaaaaa so fast!! was like...20 times more tiring than that!!..anyway...they brought us 2 sematan peaceful man..i love it!!!..but we r nt suppose 2 have our hp's whn an activity is going i dint take photo's...n we all started 2 complain...but n Joana ended up collecting seashells..they r so large interesting oorh...n den we went back to the dorm...had breakfast n went 2 do is whr the action n jo was the 2nd or the 3rd batch 2 do it...the wall was 40 foot tall...n the ladders was so steep..i almost scary man!!...n den...the repelling started...first...the coach will put a rope 2 ur safety belt o smth...n den ask u 2 go the hedge..n lean backwards...u will feel like thr is ntg 2 save u frm falling frm a 40 foot tall wall but a small le...i was soooooooooo nervous..n stuff...i could barely move..n den i saw joana next 2 me...she was more scared than me...n den the coach was like scaring her even more..n den she kinda freaked i laughed at her...but sadly...i fell n knocked the wall...ouch! the repelling was so damn scary man....i remembered the coach saying that..whn i cant stand it...i can say "Falling" i shouted at the coach that...n guess wad...he said.."dun need lah"..i was like...waaaaddd??!!...having no choice..i continued another 2 steps n shouted "Falling" agn...n he said "aiyah...dun need lar"...i was like...damn u!!i cant stand liao...n i was so damn scared den i screamed.."FALLING!!!!" him...after that...than he put me in falling mode..haha..(p.s: falling mode is much safer cause the coach will slowly pull u down to the ground)after heart was pounding so nervous aah!...the teacher asked me" time do u wanna try agn?" i said "yes,.. 50 years frm now.."...hahaha...after that..we had lunch..n 2hrs of free time...after was gonna rain...n the commitee's plan 2 play a outdoor game..under the rain!! fun...i was like...sooooo wet...hahaha...we were divided into 2,bb n ariel was in the same group...but dd n joana was playing against fun...we took dd as our hostage..n they took bibi...hahaha..i was taken by the commitee...n den the commitees took all of our we had no choice but 2 get them 2 groups join 2gether 2 attack the fun man! damn was like...5 ppl tackle 1 human...hahaha...n nite..we gt station of them was we have 2 act out the meaning of the acting was like...HORRIBLE!...haahahaha...n whn ppl act 4 me 2 guess..i was blur...hahahaha...after that..we went back 2 our dorms...den... me,bb,dd,jaona, n ariel gone hyper..but we slept soon 2.15 a.m..the commitee's woke us up saying this was a fire drill...hahaha..but b4 that..they took out we had 2 4lo them n get it barefooted..but...whn we reach thr..they gave us a performance...abt wad digi advertisement...but...the digi human so sesat ler...the digi human..4lo another digi human..hahaha walking around the tennis court agn n lame..but funny...hahaha...anyway...we found out that bibi's head got line!!...u knw that at the camp...the digi line nt dat gud rite...but if u put at bibi's line!! cool it is still working...hahaha...n guess wad...she is afraid of CATS!!!...bibi afraid of her own species...hahahaha...a kitten keep on 4lowing bibi nia...n bibi was like so scared of it...hahahaha...she keep running away frm it...hahaha....tsk tsk...on the 3rd was the last after the morning exercise,we went 2 the beach agn...i gt so many cool seashells... camp sick...cause everyone at the camp was so interesting...very diff...hahaha...way more fun...besides that,,this camp made me realize soo many stuff...n im trusted by other ppl that i barely knw with their i was so glad...n my lips are i promised..^^..n here are some pics that i manage 2 take...enjoy...XD..the filament bright man!!...knt sleep...n cun cun it is placed in front of me...haizz...
the dormitory...hahaha....i took the top one..^^
joana everyday lean on bibi....hahaha..**cough**cough**... my n garfield sama geng...hahahaha...=D ariel,dee dee n joana...haha...they were in the bus...lying on each other...hahaha..lucky i sempat take this pic..^^ from the left,...lydia,me n png ning...they are the best commitee members u can ever get...^^ the cat that bibi, n joana was afraid of...hahaha....scary o nt??? was on a PINK shoe...haha...this i oso so sakai...but nt as sakai as the green bug was on an extremely pink shoe...haizz...its so pink!yucks! green bug!!...hahahaha...its so green!!..n cute..hahaha.....i nvr seen a green bug ler...i so sakai go see hr,see thr...hahaha... ariel../turtle.....hahaha...i took this while we're on the road to camp...she was cam i just took a pic of her say cheese!! waaaaa look like cute!hahaha.....ariel: ei!! lar...MEOW!!...hahahas...the landscape is soo beautiful....hahaha....after this camping trip...i'm starting 2 admire nature... the sun!!! nice hor....i so kheng in photographing...hahahaha....jk jk

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Today.... n my cousin went 2 go watch movie...ntg unusual rite...but we watched 3 movies....spending my sunday in the cineplex...was....tiring...haha...i spent 6 straight hours in the i spent 4 hours..watching movies...sitting in a totally uncomfortable seat..with anoying yeah..thats that...oh ya...firstly we watched madagascar...interesting...i loveee!! the sound effects..haha...n den we watched is a totally B-O-R-I-N-G movie....hahaha...erm...n den we rewatch James Bond...quite interesting...haha...thr were at lot of ppl thr...n someone very tall sat in front of me..i knt c...haizz...n then...during the movie...i noticed 2 kids were running around...sooo distracting!!!...i really wanted 2 scold them...but i dint...== anywayy...its the abt bad parenting...well..nt that im good in it..but..they r just plain selfish...letting their kids running up n down during a show is showing...n..worst of all...they...r soooo noisy....haizz....ppl nowadays,....hahaha....oh's smth u a food lover.. n i still am!!haha..=D..anyway...2day i ate ntg but popcorn....interesting rite....i din drink....i spent 6 hours in the cineplex....i survived it by eating a medium sized popcorn......n..2mr i got a camping trip 2 sematan or smwhr...its gonna last 3days...n...i nt yet pack!!!haih...i 4gt 2 buy junk food....nooooooooooo!!..TT

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Totally bored....

...since im bored..i'll intro this new thing.**drumrolls**....this is my fav mug!! one is allowed 2 use it except 4 me..cause it is has a pic of a cat on it...well..u can c that..anyway...i love it cause the cat is soooooo adorable...haha...
the inside!!!!...its blur...but i will spell it out 4 ppl hu need specs but nvr admit they need me!!hahas...M-E-O-W....=D
side....hmmmmm C-A-T.....interesting...hahaha

back......the cat cute horh...looks familiar...hmmmmmm

Thursday, November 13, 2008

OMG!! cat is a pervert!!!.... liao...i spend most of my time at home reading books...n on9(well mostly on9 lar..hahaha)..haha..nowadays my cat keep disappearing...then..i found out that he was starring at the toilet..4 the whole day...n dat was 2 days ago....n when u finish doing ur bussiness...he would just lie there..n stare at u..after that...he will miao at u..den go on with the dad calls it toilet dreaming..hahahaha....i guess thats how my cat releases stress...or smth lidat..until now he is still doing cat is a pervert...well i think he is...=D bro keep complaining abt my cat starring at him while he is pee-ing ask him...din close the boduh!!wakakakaka...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

i gt puppies!!!!!!!...=D
