chocolates!!!!!! i wan all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! i wan!!!!!! wow!!!.....i wan!!!! if it was a river.....i can imagine myself.....drowning....woppppss..... that came out wrong!!...... niceee!!! wow..................when i imagine the is unimaginable......hahahaha...... waaah!!!!!...i cant wait to eat them!!!!..... this is my fav...cause the cherries remind me jigoku shoujo.=D this one look like naomi...hahahahaha.... this one look like bibi!!!hahahahaha....... eeeeeeeeeeeee......i wan!!!!!!! This oso can..=D i wan!!!! OMG!! chocolate puding!!!!! i wan!!!! i thought we're nt suppose to play with food... this i oso wan!!! i wan dat oso!!!! wah!!!!!look soooo nicee....i wan!!!!i wan!!!!