Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another taggie..

10 Are Yous'
1. Are you single - yup
2. Are you happy - nono
3. Are you bored - yup
4. Are you fair - nooooo
5. Are you italian - nope
6. Are you intelligent - nope
7. Are you honest - sometimes
8. Are you nice - mean..=D
9. Are you Irish - uhhhhhh
10. Are you asian: yup

10 Random Facts
1. Full name - Joanne soh....yin yin.....
2. Nicknames - sotong!!! =D
3. Birth place - meow meow city
4. Hair Colour - black/brown
5. Natural hair style - uhhh...lidat?
6. Eye colour - RED!!! hahaha
7. Birthday - 6 Feb
8. Mood - bored to death
9. Fav colour(s) - Black, green????
10. One place you'd like to visit - dono

10 Things About My Love Life.
1. Have you ever been in love - ??
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - noooo
3. Do you currently have a crush - nooo
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - uhhhh???
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - nope
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - erm...?
7. Have you ever liked someone without telling them - no
8. Are you afraid of commitment -lol...
9. Who was the last person you hugged - shao may!!! XD
10. Who was the last person you said ily to - cat counted??

10 This Or Thats
1. Love or lost - love
2. Hard liquor or beer - can?
3. Cat or dog - BOTH!!! XD
4. A few best friends or alot of regular friends - erm?
5. Creamy or crunchy -depends..
6. Pencil or pen - pen
7. Wild night out or romantic night out - oooo...romantic??
8. Money or happiness - both
9. Night or Day - night
10. IM or phone - phone

10 'Have You Evers'
1. Been caught sneaking out - from??
2. Seen a polar bear - no..sad ehh
3. Done something you regret - yahh...
4. Bungee jumped - eeeeeeeeee! i prefer surfing.. XD
5. Ate food that fell on the floor - ewwwwww....noooo
6. Finish entire jawbreaker - erm...its a candy rite?
7. Been caught naked - time
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - no
9. Cried because you lost a pet - yeap!!...
10. Wanted to disappear - now...

10 Preferences In A Partner.
1. Eyes or smile - both
2. Light or dark hair - erm..doesn't really matter??
3. Kisses or hugs - huggies
4. Shorter or taller - taller
5. Intelligent or attraction - both
6. Topman or Zara - ???
7. Funny or serious - both la
8. Older or Younger - older
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad - *cough*cough*

10 'Have Yous'
1. performed in front of a large crowd - scaryy...
2. ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - yup
3. ever walked on hands - no??
4. ever been to a rock concert - no
5. ever been in a cherleading team - eeeeeeee...noooo
6. ever been in a dance team -
7. ever been in a sports team - yeah...
8. ever been in a drama play/production - nope
9. ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bently - sad...
10. ever been in a rap video - no???

10 'Lasts'
1. Last phone call you made - forget
2. Last person you hugged - emily?
3. Last person you hung out with - lupa
4. Last time you worked - uhhhh?
5. Last person you talked to - mummyyy
6. Last person you IM'd - what IM'd??
7. Last person you texted - Ru qian! XD
8. Last person you went to a movie with - lupa
9. Last person/thing you missed - i missed....=X
10. Last website visited - this

I Tag

myself!!! hehe.... XD