Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Re: you

i'm sure you're ready by now...

those...3 words are.....

Fuck off bitch!!!


Monday, May 11, 2009


I've got 3 words for you....

are you ready?


Thr was a blackout...for a few minutes?...well...i cant do anyth...ran out of i started hearing songs.... walked out....the beautiful....clouds finally appear...the moon was full...the sky wasnt pitch was kinda bright....starring at the beloved i randomise my tracks....plain white T's..1234...played....isnt it god gave us such beautiful things....if it wasnt for the blackout...i wont have noticed it....i would b too busy feeling sorry for myself...n i stare at the stars......i feel so relaxed....... my ease.... my mind was empty.....i love this feeling...... that's why i love the sky...the clouds....the moon....the stars..... ^^

Saturday, May 9, 2009

What i've been up to..

hehe...too much...cant finish... xD

that's erm...sprite + coke + ribina + 100 plus taste weird....
hehe...upside down... meowww... xD
FYI...tht's amanda thian...wahahaha....
Random..agn... =D
oh look!! mickey is in the sky...LOL....
this happens whn your mum brings u out shopping for clothes for hours...u'll try 2 wear n do random stuff.... xD

Hahaha...adorable! ^^
sunset!! aint it preedyyy.....xD
more random stuff...xD

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What i find cute...

Cat Lime Head Pictures, Images and Photos Melon Head..=D

cute cat Pictures, Images and Photos =P

Cute Kitty Pictures, Images and Photos

Fruit & Cute Pictures, Images and Photos

Very cute pIcs of dogs and cats Pictures, Images and Photos smth i love doing.. ^^

Crookedear Pictures, Images and Photos ...hehe...

Cats Are So Cute Pictures, Images and Photos

Nice doggie...GOOD boy Pictures, Images and Photos bibi n grace! XD

cute duck scam! Pictures, Images and Photos O.O

Got owner...Got pet....

dogs Pictures, Images and Photos

One word...





I dreamt about a cute puppy last nite...hehe

I found 23 white hairs... =(

People *including my dad* says im proud...or like wad they call it...hao lien...o smth lidat la.. ==

My brain is yellow

Today the sky was blue...den it sad.....

The sun hates me...

I took a picture of a mickey mouse shaped cloud..

My cat's fav food is corn... O.O

I ate baby carrots today...

I hate mayo..

I'm afraid of worms...hehe

Sometimes...cicaks can be cute...n the other times...its just plain gago...

A combination of green n black is sexy!!

When u sit down...n stare at the sky....ppl will think ur being emo....

I'm hungry

I hate getting involved in morning activities....

I think meatball is a mother trucker n she shud just retire 2mr...

I think the cabbage got fished by winnie the pooh...tht's y he's so afraid of him

I see santa everyday..

I honestly think grace is a big scawyy doggie... =D