Wednesday, May 6, 2009




I dreamt about a cute puppy last nite...hehe

I found 23 white hairs... =(

People *including my dad* says im proud...or like wad they call it...hao lien...o smth lidat la.. ==

My brain is yellow

Today the sky was blue...den it sad.....

The sun hates me...

I took a picture of a mickey mouse shaped cloud..

My cat's fav food is corn... O.O

I ate baby carrots today...

I hate mayo..

I'm afraid of worms...hehe

Sometimes...cicaks can be cute...n the other times...its just plain gago...

A combination of green n black is sexy!!

When u sit down...n stare at the sky....ppl will think ur being emo....

I'm hungry

I hate getting involved in morning activities....

I think meatball is a mother trucker n she shud just retire 2mr...

I think the cabbage got fished by winnie the pooh...tht's y he's so afraid of him

I see santa everyday..

I honestly think grace is a big scawyy doggie... =D