Saturday, July 4, 2009


mummy found 25 strands of white hair on me....for this month....hmmm.... some of my some1 playful..with not much problems in life...sadly...i wish u guys werent that wrong...

maybe to u some1 i wish u could see the real me.....

my passion...for things...nt much ppl love...nature~...its nt just its beauty i love...its the calms my mind...and heart....

to some ppl...they take drugs...alcohol...this and forget their problems....haih...why cant they just a plain grass field...and stare at the sky??

peace at heart...could really clear your mind...or maybe...u could think things through?

i had to quit band...unwillingly...i was forced...because of smtg...i cant seem to let it go...everytime..i hear a drum beat...the 1st thing tht appear in my mind is band~

why cant u see how much i love band??




after i solve one...another comes...why cant these stupid freakin things just leave me alone?!

i nt alone...but still...i rather spare my friends from my problems...

i annoying...especially whn i complain...haha...well...i tried to stop...but i cant...

if you noticed....whn im alone...i tend to spend more time with nature...i practically suck in most of the jobs that was given to too lazy...thats wad my parents always say...

how i wish they could b in my shoes for a day... i rather slp than stay up all night to think abt this crappy problems...

gahh!!...i want so badly to express myself..but i cant!! i dont knw cant expect my parents to help in any way...== ...they annoy me enough ady...telling them my problems is the last thing on my mind...lidat...i cant tell any1 my problems...aint that sad??

as a 1st born...they expect me to b supremely mature...gahh!! they are forcing me to be mature!!! help!!!!.... T.T

no...i dont need attention...i dont need love....i need them to shut the hell up for one sec and open their eyes!!

i want my idiotic bro to disappear...for the rest of my life...and only appear whn....erm...ohh...DOOMSDAY!!

my parents want me to be a lawyer... =.= honestly cant expect learn LAW...MALAYSIAN LAW...ugh...damn boring arh...wad more...lawyers go to hell...haha...*jokes*
anyway...wad if my client is guilty?? Den..if i win the case...yes..i wud be rich...but its a sin...criminals are free...because of lawyers... well..not all la..but you get the point...

yes...i talk crap..ALOT! ...randomize my the only way i could keep myself from breaking down...i tell ya..if u wanna c JOANNE SOH..breakdown...then u better go hell la...cause i wud only breakdown...whn im at death's door.. ^^

im not smart...

i suck in problems...

trust me..u cant depend on me...

im lazy...damn lazy....

i wanna slp my life away...lidat...i dont have to go through this crappy life...

you cant expect me to be the best and beat the rest...are you mad?!

why cant you just...accept me..for who i am?! is that so wrong?!

if you wanted a smarter child...than just depend on my bro lah...i dont wanna stick out...i dont wanna be special!

i just wanna grow be an air craft engineer...and fly my way out of here!! me...IM NOT COMING BACK!!!..