Tuesday, June 8, 2010


To all of you who think ur life is so boring right now..mine's worse. hahah..i havent seen the sunlight in...*counting* uhh..5 days? yeah..crazy rite..no.mostly pathetic..i could sit in my room all day playing medal of honour 1,2,3,and 4..lol..i got a whole collection..i even got indiana jones..lol dumb rite..before the hols..i was like..gotta finish pk project..gotta learn tennis..gotta polish up my skateboarding..hah! my skateboard is under a pile of clothes..i think?..my tennis racquet..is hanging somewhr in my room..my laptop is on..i'm on msn since the 1st..appearing off..my hp went flat this morning..dint bother..
yeah..if i were to go out..bet i'd be like..'help! my eyes! someone! turn off the sun!' lol...then the humans passing by would be like..'think we should report her?' 'its so sad..seeing so many insane ppl these days' yeah..even at school..ppl think i need counselling..tsk..sorry line..sitting with me this year must have sucked..having to put up with all my crazy..
like the tittle..i'm ranting random stuff abt hw pathetic my life is..now..lalala..i wanna go MPH..but then..if do..maybe i'll get dragged out by security or smth..heh..wont that be interesting? whoosh!
I'm a scoleciphobic..yeah..if you duno what it means..just look it up..i guess its a rare case? maybe not..but yeah..i'm sure hell is infested with it..so i'll be a good girl now..but then..gardens have them too...tsk..recently..i've caught the flu..so i decided to quarantine myself..hehe..
lets hope i dont start eating ppl..if you know what i mean..=] i told my parents i wanted to go work..they laughed at me..haih..so hopeless..even to my parents..i miss cloudo..my dog gave birth to 9 pups..so erm..i got 13 dogs now? crazy rite..i think i'm allergic to my bro..hahah all the more reasons to avoid him.. =] i'm on medication now..i've been asleep half of the day dy..then gotta wake to take my meds..then go sleep again..so basically..i'm sleeping throughout my hols? lol..look line! i'm really hibernating!