Tuesday, December 7, 2010

weird habit?

like any normal student..i sleep during the p.m's and go online/read/watch tv/gaming/do any other sort of daily thing during the a.m's..sooooo..i noticed i picked up an interesting habit..hahaha..i would brush my teeth while doing stuff..lets say..i'm fixing up a late night supper..one hand on the cereal..the other keeping the toothbrush from falling into the bowl..hahaha..cool right..xP..anyway..i nearly gave my dad a heart attack late one night..as you can see..my wardrobe consist of dark colors only..so imagine..waking up in the middle of the night to find a dark figure standing at one corner of the house.. wouldn't that just freak you out?.. x] oh..and you know..i never brush my teeth in the toilet..its always somewhere else in the house..well..it depends on what i'm doing at that time..hahah..i never pay full attention when it comes to brushing my teeth..that said..it seems like the only time i pay attention to something is when i'm losing to a boss in one of Dante's inferno bosses..ugh..*for those who don't play ps3 games..well..its a game! it's based on a book written long ago! and it's awesome! so to the dude who created the quote..'video games could rot your mind'..screw you!! bet you lost every single game you played..that includes pacman! hmmph..xP*